compleet & expertum

expertum writes recruiting success story. Read how the company was able to optimize its work processes with the help of compleet recruiting.


Who is expertum

As a nationwide agency with over 50 branches and 2000 employees, the expertum Group has become an integral part of the industry. The group focuses on the mechanical engineering industry as well as aviation, vehicle construction and the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. The expertum Group has been part of the family-run Asap HR Group since 2018.

For over 35 years, expertum has been successful in its mission "to place qualified candidates in attractive jobs with appreciative customers". Despite the usual fluctuations in the industry, expertum frequently enjoys double-digit growth rates and recorded its best business results to date at the end of 2022.

compleet recruiting

More efficiency in recruiting with the optimized management of candidates and job offers!

What was the situation at expertum before compleet applicant management was introduced?

Seven years ago, applicant management at expertum was much more manual. Standardized processes and a high degree of automation were not yet at the level that the quality provider and industry specialist expertum has always been committed to. The possibility of data-based analysis and the recurring use of existing data was also not (yet) available. The sometimes confusing data management and the high administrative effort that naturally goes hand in hand with the temporary employment and recruitment business prompted expertum to look for a solution early on that would simplify and automate recurring processes - software that drives digitalization, is legally compliant and can grow with customer needs and changes in the industry.

"We had the certainty that we would receive advice from you as equals."

The start of the collaboration with compleet and the reasons for it

The first contact took place in 2015 at Zukunft Personal Europe in Cologne. At the time, expertum was looking for an applicant management system and had exchanged initial information with Dino Sanna. After comparing it with the competition, the decision was made in favor of compleet recruiting, which was called persoprofiler 6 (pp6) at the time. "The decisive factor was you as a team. We had the certainty that we would receive advice from you as equals," summarizes Diana Felgow. The interpersonal chemistry was right and the innovative spirit at Compana convinced her at the time. compleet (then Compana) was able to assure her that the product was constantly being developed further. This was a clear advantage for a successful collaboration, especially in terms of future orientation.


What criteria played a role in the selection of the software?

The focus was on the central controllability of processes, as well as measurability, the ability to analyze data, work simplification, time savings and standardized communication. The ability to develop processes together was also important. Increasing independence from job boards and increasing visibility on the company's own careers page also played a role.

"compleet guarantees us security, efficiency and therefore considerable time savings."

Have the hoped-for goals been achieved and what added value has the software solution created for expertum?

"In fact, we have achieved precisely these goals," says Diana Felgow. "compleet guarantees us security, efficiency and therefore considerable time savings. This gives us the opportunity to devote our time to people and less to technology," adds the expertum management member.


Time advantage through interfaces

Marcel Kelm goes on to explain that the large number of interfaces in the system has led to an enormous time advantage. They make the applicant management system efficient and correspondingly integrative in the phases and status between recruiting and staffing. Suitable (premium) channels can be selected for each vacancy in the corresponding pay group and depending on qualifications, enabling expertum to enable its branches with different focuses to fill vacancies at customers quickly and precisely.


More personal visibility, applicant analytics and candidate network

By integrating compleet applicant management, expertum was able to generate more visibility in terms of website visitors and ultimately suitable applicants and has thereby managed to become more independent of job exchanges. In addition, maintaining the constantly growing network of candidates and alumni pays off. All of this can be measured just like the success of job advertisements or job portals, and data-based decisions can be made to control the budget. "That convinced us and was cleverly solved. Today, we can safely say that every applicant has a beginning and an end along the candidate journey. The key questions for us at this point are the W questions (when, where from and how the candidate develops based on their status in the system)." In the past, that usually wasn’t particularly valid in the end,” says Diana Felgow.


Flexible use as a standard version or adapted to individual needs

Diana Felgow and Marcel Kelm continue to describe complete applicant management as very functional. It can either be used as a standard version, but can also be adapted to the customer's individual needs. "That was important when looking for software. We wanted to have software where we could benefit from constant innovations, but at the same time we could also customize it for ourselves. That’s exactly what we have now", explains Diana Felgow.

"This requires software that can be flexibly adapted to the employee's respective status. compleet recruiting does this smartly."

What Marcel Kelm particularly likes is how well the candidate's journey is accompanied and supported through the car processes. expertum never defines this as completed. This starts with the applicant import, goes through qualification & matching and the suggestion system to the hiring of the candidate and beyond. With most agencies it ends here, but not with expertum. It is important to the company to continue ongoing alumni management so as not to lose contact with former employees. These always remain potential employees. "However, this requires software that can be flexibly adapted to the employee’s respective status. compleet recruiting does this smartly", continues the Head of Marketing & PR.


Matching - Perfect interaction between people and technology

"Convincing," say Diana Felgow and Marcel Kelm, is the semi-automated matching at compleet. The best possible proposal quality is based on the interaction of a recruiter with the efficient complete matching technology. The two experts explain that both are absolutely necessary. "If someone stated in their CV that they are a trained baker and that they now have commercial training, their profile would still be suggested in the fully automated process. If it's been 10 years since I did the job, it's no longer of any use to me. He can then bake, but his short-term allergy to flour dust is not taken into account. An employee brings exactly this know-how with him."


"Advice at equal terms"


Diana Felgow describes the collaboration with compleet and the service as "advice at equal terms". The exchange is very open and that is exactly what adds value. You can be open and honest with each other and this makes every conversation very constructive. You have a fixed, specific contact person and improvements and development are discussed in regular meetings.

The future of collaboration with compleet?

For Diana Felgow and Marcel Kelm, the idea of ​​holistic approach is always at the forefront of such software. If you look at the entire value creation process, compleet can make a huge impact on the topics of efficiency, time and growth by combining its HR solutions into a suite. Creating the connection between workforce and recruiting is a powerful combination, says Marcel Kelm. He adds that "the merger is not yet perfect, but compleet does everything it can to always deliver a solution. I think that’s very important in terms of customer focus."


The compleet vendor area is also a rapidly growing area of ​​support in the area of ​​vendor management for major customers. For example, compleet vendor at expertum is already in use in many customer projects. This helps particularly with reporting. The ability to measure delivery capability is extremely essential. The customer therefore has the opportunity to see which of his suppliers provided which service. For many customers, this is the main issue when it comes to the quality of personnel services.


Diana Felgow and Marcel Kelm value compleet's years of expertise, the "growing together" with compleet as an operational partner, which is reflected in high-quality products. With its applicant management, compleet was able to exceed the expectations of the expertum group. The agency, which has been successful for decades, is looking forward, just like compleet, to further successful years of value-adding cooperation.

Reasons for compleet recruiting

"compleet guarantees us safety, efficiency and therefore a significant time saving."

Diana Felgow
Member of the management, expertum group

"compleet works in an integrative, future-oriented and forward-looking manner."

Marcel Kelm
Director Marketing & PR, expertum group