Questions and answers

Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions on topics relating to the compleet suite and our software solutions.

General FAQ

What does the switch to compleet GmbH mean for me as a customer? What will change in concrete terms?

What advantage do I have with the complete suite?

Who is responsible for me?

What is a Managed Service Provider (MSP)?

Will I get a contact person?

Where is my data and the data of my employees/applicants stored?

Do I need programming knowledge to use the solution?

FAQ compleet recruiting

What is Multi-Channel-Posting (MCP)?

Which premium job boards does your portfolio include?

How is applicant management done using the Kanban view?

How does CV parsing help me with applicant management?

How does the matching of applicants and jobs work?

How will I be supported in building my talent pool?

How long does it take to install the recruiting solution?

Is there training for the compleet recruiting software solution?

Does the setup require any specific software or hardware?

Can I use the Federal Employment Agency?

FAQ compleet vendor

    What is a Vendor Management System (VMS)?

    What is a Master Vendor (MV)?

    What is a qualified electronic signature (QES)?

    What is TAPA certification and what is it for?

    FAQ compleet workforce

    What hardware can my employees use to record their times?

    Do I need special software or hardware to use the solution?

    Do I need special hardware for time recording?

    What hardware do I need for access control?

    What is a collective invoice?

    How long does it take to install the workforce solution?

    In which languages ​​can the software be used?

    Is there training for workforce solutions?

    On which devices does the app work?

    Do you have more questions? Contact us!