Success Story

Read expertum's success story and how the company was able to successfully optimize its workflows with the help of compleet vendor.


About expertum

As a nationwide staffing agency with over 50 branches in Germany, the expertum Group is successfully active in temporary employment and personnel placement. With a focus on industrial sectors, the constantly growing business area of personnel consulting also supports the recruitment of highly qualified personnel. Founded in 1987, the number of employees now stands at 2000. compleets vendor is active as a master vendor system for one of the leading manufacturers of construction vehicles.

compleet vendor

With the help of our VMS, you can optimize your processes from inquiry management to supplier invoicing!


For one of its customers, which is active in mechanical and vehicle engineering, the company was looking for a solution to map supplier management digitally and in a standardized way, while still responding to the customer's wishes. The main aim was to create transparency and traceability for all parties (customer, supplier base, on-site). It was important to have up-to-date insights into the project status, corresponding reports and an overview of the positions and the performance of the suppliers at all times.


After extensive research and analysis of potential providers, expertum GmbH decided to work with the independent compleet GmbH (former AVAX). As a neutral provider, the company impressed with a particularly flexible and modular system. Among other things, it is intuitive for users thanks to a very user-friendly interface. With compleet, the current status can also be viewed transparently at any time and used for evaluation. Customer-specific IT requirements on the part of the customer presented expertum and compleet with challenges, to which they responded flexibly and implemented solutions promptly. Various aspects, such as the ability to fill in a note field, store cost centers or cancel assignments, were implemented very quickly and easily.


As expertum describes, the implementation of the tool has noticeably increased the transparency and traceability of the ongoing processes for both expertum and the customer. At the same time, the agency can work in a much more resource-efficient and time-saving manner than before: Numerous e-mails, checklists for deadline monitoring and manual evaluations can be saved throughout the entire supplier management process. In addition, the master vendor management system provides the client with an overview of outstanding profiles, vacancies and potential candidates at all times. Much to the customer's delight, this enables faster reactions and the customer's requirements are covered more quickly. Thanks to the evaluations, both qualitative and quantitative reporting could be discussed in previous supplier meetings, thus enabling continuous improvement of performance in the project. For expertum, it is clear that further projects will be implemented with compleet vendor.

Reasons for compleet vendor

"Many thanks for the competent advice and the optimal implementation of the customer's wishes. The professional cooperation with the entire compleet vendor team gives us great pleasure."

Amelie Naegele
Leader On-Site Managerin, expertum GmbH